The Wix Platform
After testing many online website builders, we settled on WiX about 10 years ago and, since then, have seen its user base grow to more than 60 million websites (probably a conservative estimate!), supported by continual improvements to the scope and functionality of the platform, as well as huge strides forward in terms of support and learning materials.
There are hundreds of easily customisable templates available, although we prefer to start with a blank canvas and build a truly unique site for each of our clients.
Other reasons for our choice of platform are:-
Ease of use
Sites can be built quickly
“Computer savvy” clients can take over maintenance of their site
Many built-in functions, such as:
Email Marketing
Business Invoicing
Event Management
Large App Market, offering all kinds of additional plug-in options
Worldwide network of servers, running at an average of 99.8% up-time
Back up servers in case of any issues
All sites created with a secure SSL certificate